People for a brighter tomorrow

The People for a Brighter Tomorrow programme is a community based 12 Week Stopping Violence Education Programme for men  offered by Toiora Whanau . The programme is for men who behave violently and abusively. We work to eliminate violence in our society. We deal with domestic violence in the context of family/whanau and community safety. We work with other victim and family/whanau agencies.


What does the People for a Brighter Tomorrow programme involve?

The Whai ao ki te ao marama programme is run for 12 weeks at 2 hours per session. Prior to commencement of group programme you will have up to 4 assessment appointments one on one with our facilitator. The programme is outlined to address violence through education and understanding. Our facilitator works under the kaupapa tuku iho of Raukawa Whanau Ora to ensure a safe and  supportive learning  environment.


What kind of violence does People for a Brighter Tomorrow cover?

Physical abuse—for example hitting, punching, kicking or in any way      assaulting another person

Psychological violence—for example intimidation, threats, mind games and harassment: damaging property to hurt someone; allowing children to see or hear any domestic violence; controlling someone’s money, time, contact with friends or family/whanau as a way of having power over them.

Sexual abuse—any unwanted sexual contact.


What do I need in order to join the People for a Brighter Tomorrow?

You will need:

  • To acknowledge what you have done and to accept responsibility.
  • To talk openly about your violent and abusive behavior including your thoughts and feelings.
  • To involve others in your treatment at Whai ao ki te ao marama


Who can attend the People for a Brighter Tomorrow programme?

  • Adult men who self refer.
  • Adult men who have been referred as the respondents or associated respondents to orders made under the Domestic Violence Act 1995.
  • Adult men aged 18 upwards
  • Man of all level abilities, except where disability prohibits meaningful
  • No chemical dependency or psychiatric illness at a level likely to impede progress.
  • Men who accept that kaupapa Māori is the basis to this programme and that tikanga and kawa o tātou tupuna, me te reo is actively promote and used, though the commonly understood language (English) will be also used.


Men can be referred to programme as part of a sentence imposed by the courts, they can self refer, or be referred by whanau. Referrals can also be made by other government or community based agencies.



06 3688678 and arrange an assessment where our facilitator can discuss the programme and your problem.