He hikanga manawa toiora whānau is an iwi based social service that promotes the wellbeing of whanau , hapu and iwi. We believe that whānau is an integral support system and He hikanga manawa toiora whānau offers assistance in empowering Whānau through child based whanau support services and education programmes.
We provide :
- Home based whanau support
- Social Workers in Schools
- Appropriate care placements of tamariki and mokopuna
- Information and advice
- Counselling
- Advocacy with other departments
- Education awareness programmes
- Drug awareness
Social Workers in Schools
This is a school based service in which a social worker is placed to work within specific schools.
Social workers work together with the tamariki, whanau and schools to enhance the wellbeing of the child and whanau.
He hikanga manawa toiora whānau provide a Counselling service which may involve the following issues:
- Personal Family relating 2 uplifting of children
- Conflicting issues in regards to parenting (adolescent)
- Greif and loss surrounding loved ones
- Separation (couples)
- Building relationship
- Self—Esteem building
- Anger/anxiety/Depression management
Education Programs
He hikanga manawa toiora whānau provide education programmes that focus on empowering whanau & whanau wellbeing. These include:
- Whakapakari Whanau (Positive Parenting)
- Home Management
- Whanau Development
- Rangatahi Programmes
- Tane/Wahine Atawhai Programmes
- Abuse—Sexual, Physical, Psychological Programmes
For any information about He hikanga manawa toiora whānau Social Services contact us on:
06 368 8678
E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiatea