To assist those with a disability particularly nga kaumatua (50 yrs and over) to access a Needs Assessment Service Coordinator (Supportlinks). Includes advocacy and liaison. This service is specifically for any persons whose lives are affected by physical, sensory or intellectual disability. The aims for this service will be to
- Encourage quality of life and independence.
- Provide you with correct and accurate information at your request.
- Make sure you are satisfied with the services you are receiving.
- To provide you with referral to the most appropriate services that will meet your needs.
- To assess and follow you through all disability needs.
- Monitor, support and act on your behalf with consent.
Our co ordinators role is to contact you as soon as a referral is received from you or whanau, a GP or other agencies
Referrals can be made to: EnableNZ, Supportlinks (NASC), Needs Assessment Service Co-ordinator, Meals on Wheels, Homecare, Occupational Therapists (OT), Social Workers, Māori Health Unit, Arohanui Hospice, WINZ
Even if we cannot provide the right service for you, we can refer you to someone who can best help you.
Horowhenua, te rohe o Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga.
Click here to download a referral form.